/ Research, Doctorate/PhD
Porträt im Tages-Anzeiger zur Feldforschung von Moritz Haegi im Westjordanland
Der Tages-Anzeiger hat ein Porträt der Feldforschung im Westjordanland veröffentlicht, die Moritz Haegi im Rahmen seines Doktorats am Seminar für Nahoststudien durchführt./ News, Events
Two film series and panel discussion: Together for humanity
Together against anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim racismSRF - Club - Libanon - ein weiterer Krieg in Nahost?
SRF - Club - Libanon - ein weiterer Krieg in Nahost?/ News, Research, People
Interview with Prof. Dr. Aline Schläpfer
Since 1 August 2024, our SNSF-Eccellenza Professor Aline Schlaepfer has been appointed as Associate Professor at the Unité d'Arabe of the University of Geneva. In this interview, she gives an insight into her upcoming work and looks back on…/ News, Research
New publication Aline Schläpfer: Iraqi History in Trouble. Talib al-Naqib and ‘Abd al-Mushin al-Sa‘dun
With whom does history feel empathy? The philosopher Walter Benjamin wrote that “the answer is inevitable: with the victor. All leaders are the heirs of those who conquered before them./ News, Research
Futures Interrupted: social pluralism and political projects beyond coloniality and the nation-state
The Near- and Middle Eastern Studies are glad to present you the new research project “Futures Interrupted: social pluralism and political projects beyond coloniality and the nation-state” by SNSF Consolidator grantee Prof. Dr. Falestin…Events
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