Dr. Alexander Balistreri
Assistant / Postdoc
Alexander Balistreri
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Professur Reinkowski

Assistant / Postdoc

Maiengasse 51
4056 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 28 62

I have been a research fellow (wissenschaftlicher Assistent) at the University of Basel’s Program in Near and Middle Eastern Studies since 2017.

I successfully defended my dissertation at Princeton University’s Department of Near Eastern Studies in 2021 (topic: modern history of the Anatolian-Caucasian border region).

Before that, I earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science, Near Eastern studies, and Turkish studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Princeton University, and Sabancı University (İstanbul).

In my research and courses, I take on the modern history of Turkey, the Caucasus, and the Near East. My current research projects examine questions of statehood in the Near East, with a special focus on Turkey—including themes like borders, collective violence, and property relations. When it comes to teaching, I offer not only courses on my research interests, but also self-developed, introductory courses on the history of the region and on methodology. Administratively, I am responsible for student advising at all levels, supervising the program library, and coordinating the doctoral program, among other activities.

  • Modern Turkish history
  • Modern Caucasian history
  • Borders and borderlands
  • Collective political violence
  • Property rights and expropriation
  • Empires and nation-states
HS 2022

Geschichte der modernen Türkei II: 1920–2020

Politische Ideologien in der modernen Türkei (Universität Zürich)

FS 2022Geschichte der modernen Türkei I: 1789–1920
HS 2021

Major Themes in Eurasian History: Empires, Borders, Genocides

Understanding Collective Violence in the Near and Middle East

Die Entstehung der modernen Türkei (an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg i.B.)

FS 2021  

 Methoden und theoretische Ansätze in den Nahoststudien

Einführung in die Geschichte und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens

FS 2020Einführung in die Geschichte und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens
HS 2019   Self-Determination: History of a Concept in Eastern Europe and the Near East
FS 2019   Quellen des türkischen Nationalismus: Die Zeitschrift Türk Yurdu und die osmanische Drucksprache
HS 2018  Geschichte der Kurden seit 1500
FS 2018 

Borders in the Making of the Modern Near East

Türkisch III

HS 2017

Nationalism and Revolution in the Caucasus, 1878–1945

Türkısch II