25 – 26 October 2024

The Ottoman Governance of


Dr. habil. Nora LAFI

(Senior Research Fellow at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)


Organized and hosted by Prof. Dr. Falestin Naïli


The Annual MUBIT Doctoral Workshop in Late- and Post-Ottoman Studies is a two-day
workshop in Basel, Switzerland, designed for international doctoral students
conducting research on the Near and Middle East. The workshop consists of a two-day,
intensive program in which select students work closely with invited experts. Successful
completion of the workshop entitles students to 3 ECTS credits.
This year, we are thrilled to host Dr. habil. Nora Lafi of the Zentrum Moderner Orient,
Berlin, to lead our 12th annual workshop on the topic of “The Ottoman Governance of
Diversity.” For more information on the content of the workshop, see below. The 2024
workshop will be held in person between 25 October (12:00 p.m.) and 26 October
(13:00 p.m.) at the University of Basel.


Currently enrolled Ph.D. students who wish to attend the workshop should write an email to
Falestin Naïli (falestin.naili@unibas.ch) with a short text summarizing their academic
background and explaining how this workshop fits in to their research interests (max. 400
words, in third-person singular, in English). Applicants should also provide a CV (PDF, in
English). Up to 15 applicants will be selected for participation in the workshop, based on
relevance of their research project and a demonstrated ability to contribute constructively to
the discussions.
The deadline for applications is 2 September 2024. Applicants will receive an answer
regarding their participation by 10 September 2022, at the latest. The workshop is free of
charge. Unfortunately, funding for travel and lodging is currently unavailable, but
participants will have lunch and dinner together as part of the programme. We will provide
successful applicants with information about accommodation in Basel.

Previous Workshops